How late did you get your bfp reddit

How late did you get your bfp reddit. Anyway, I would like to know what your symptoms were from transfer to beta day. So what if it’s too early! You can test every day until you get your period or a positive. The following day, I took a bunch of tests over the course of the day and the test lines got darker as the day went on. Don't get too discouraged. Did you mean you were trying but you thought it would take months? But you got pregnant faster than you realized. It won’t change the outcome and gives you something to do with that nervous energy. This includes posts where the flair has been changed, but the If you weren't temping and didn't continue doing opks, then I'd assume the ovulation failed the first and and your body tried again. If I wake up early I turn the sleep mode off, it will then do its final reading. Did anyone get a late BFP after your period was due? I tested negative on 11dpo and, having seen 8dpo positives like you behind, had pretty much figured that cycle was out. 10. Bryce Addison I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be. No you can't go weeks or months with negatives and still be pregnant. But I use cheapies first and if I get a line the next day I use a frer. How many days before or after did you get a positive? Well my cycles were 26-30 days before I had my first. Sadly it ended in a MC… This month, I expect AF today and it hasn’t come. Stark white on both. This is to be sensitive and respectful to the thoughts and feelings of others - we keep this thread separate so that people can view it Every other day guarantees you'll hit two of the best days (O-1, O-2, O-3 have the highest odds) and even every third gives you good chances - having sex multiple times in the fertile window doesn't really boost your odds by any appreciable amount. **THAT SAID …. Apr 4, 2018 · I started feeling symptoms (nausea and cramps) 1 week after IUI. Congratulations! Fingers crossed that you have a boy so you can name it after the best friend. Good luck to I got a faint squinter in the afternoon two days before my beta, so 11 dpo. I started getting light pink / tan colored discharge literally the day after I ovulated this cycle that lasted 3-4 days. It was a very heart breaking experience for me. I waited exactly 14 days and got our BFP. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Please note that the Intro posts provide new members a place to share a longer, detailed account of their pregnancy and loss history with the community. Reply reply Mindless_Gur189 Depending on which ones you use, it could mean a difference of days for positive results. Today made 5 days since implantation (if the cramping I felt was truly implantation cramping), so maybe that’s why I’m still testing negative, even though I’m 13dpo. lol Plus we are trying to find the humor in the situation since both of our parents have been pleading with us for 7 years to have at least one kid and have always said no. A normal cycle - boobs get a little fuller feeling but don't really ache, cramps are painful and feel like someone is squeezing a fist around my uterus, CM dries up a few days before AF starts (it gets clumpy and looks a lot like wet shredded tissue paper), I am tired but I can make it late nights if I have to. 17. If you think that being sneaky (PMing members or asking them to PM you, telling them to refer to your post history, etc) is a good idea, it is not. I've TTC for a total of 30 cycles. Hello I am new to this site, my name is Stacey, Im 25 been ttc for way too long :-(So the past few days have been a whirlwind of emotions. I will keep testing everyday because its an addiction. Feb 21, 2010 · It can be pretty common for a period to be a day or two late - especially when we are anxiously awaiting it. I was 3w 4d, or 11 dpo, but that was the first time I tested that cycle. I didn't really feel pregnant until a week later when severe morning sickness hit; so many of the early pregnancy symptoms are the same as early AF symptoms for me. Our baby boy was born sleeping on 9. If you are getting negatives then you have ovulated later, are earlier then you think and are not yet late (or haven't ovulated yet as another option). Infertility doesn't go away after the first positive test. I ended up miscarrying at 8w. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! If you see something breaking the rules, please report it. I know its early but people have gotten positives on day 3 or 4. basically: implantation happens anywhere from 6-12 dpo, so a later implantation = later bfp. Many women think because they work like clockwork that they ovulate exactly on schedule. So went to the shops the next day or so and bought a first response test as i was using cheapy ones and had a 'feeling' i was pg and got my BFP - with a very strong line! im not completely sure when i ovulated as since i came off the pill in Oct 12 AF had been abit all over the place. What DPO did you get your first positive with your ectopic? This is something I’m very curious about - my first sign something was off was the delayed implantation and late positive . Oct 5, 2015 · With both of my bfp's I was 100% sure I wasn't pregnant. I had tested the day prior and got a BFN so I caught it the day enough hcg was being produced. If you think something may be against the rules, ask us or err on the side of caution. You should always call your provider with any concerns. This is our first month trying and wanted to do it au naturel so didn't use OPKs or check B. For those of you who didn’t get a BFP until your Beta, did you just not test before? Or did you get BFNs before then? Edit: it’s not possible on Reddit to edit a poll after posting, apologies to those who have valid suggestions, I’m not able to implement them. this is extremely early please do not be discouraged if you don’t get one as soon. g. I tested this morning and it was negative. Sep 8, 2014 · pregnancy tests turn positive based on HCG, and every woman's baseline hcg( where she is normally when not pregnant) varies from a 1-5. Dec 28, 2008 · How late (on what dpo) did you get your beautiful :bfp: I understand some women do not experience their BFP until after they had missed their period, or even a week to two weeks late. Just sharing what happened to me. So, I’m wondering if anyone has gotten a late BFP. At this point we are hoping its a positive because I would rather be pregnant than seriously ill.  I thought my period was starting. First Response was the one I used when I got my first BFP. 5 years old Thank you! This was our first cycle TTC, and I was so sure I was pregnant because of the dip and then triphasic pattern (which I’ve never had before in 9 months of temping!). Responses do not replace contacting your medical provider. Confirmed by my doctor. Lol. 30-7. Every woman will get her BFP, or her period, when the time is right for her. I’m trying to wait until I would be officially 5 weeks so just a few more days and I also got a better test this time - Early Response. No matter where you are in your journey, this community aims to provide support and science-backed guidance for all actively trying to conceive. I'd sworn off testing until my period was late, and actually stuck to it, but that cycle I got weird shooting pains in my boobs and itchy nipples, then the next morning when I got out of bed and my boobs shifted, it HURT like nothing I'd ever felt, so I knew something was up, lol, and I took a test. This is a community for those who have gotten pregnant after a struggle with infertility. I had 2 ultrasounds where I was measuring behind, and kept falling behind. Your post seems to be a bit short, however - while standalones are not against the rules, shorter posts like this are frequently better suited for and will get more of a response in one of our Daily Chat threads.  That was around 11AM (I woke up late). I went to the store and got a ClearBlue digital one as well because I was nervous the test was wrong and I wanted to see the word "Pregnant" lol. Depends on two factors: How sensitive your tests are -- a 10mIU test vs a 25mIU test (e. Trying to conceive (TTC) can be an exciting time, but for some it may prove more difficult than expected. Is this normal? I have weird AF like cramps but no AF. If you factor all these things together (imagine you ovulated later than you thought, implanted on the later side, and used a less sensitive test) it makes sense that they say to wait until 14+ dpo / or after missed period to test. Thank you for your kind words and I will take all the finger crossings I can get! My dream was to tell my husband I was pregnant today, as it was the first day a BFP might have shown and it is his 31st birthday today- everything was lining up perfectly. Nov 29, 2021 · When did you ladies get your BFP? In September, I got my BFP the day I expected AF. Jul 15, 2011 · I know I read on here in a post I either started or commented on where a lady said she thought she had period (even with clots) and then got BFP. May 18, 2018 · I am 3 days late right now but I’m getting BFN. I bleed at basically everything. So if you get a negative test at that point, it doesn't mean you're out! How are you tracking ovulation? Implantation happens about 8-10 days after ovulation and a sensitive pregnancy test will show positive soon after ovulation. Thanks. stark white until 12 DPO. Not the place for bump or ultrasound pics, sorry! What late(r) DPO did you finally get your BFP Exactly what the title says. TCOYF suggests waiting for 18 temps above the cover line before you test. Lol! I’m two days late (I’m never ever late) and still getting negative tests. I confirmed the next day with an Up&Up brand digital and a beta test. 00 then your watch when in sleep will automatically test BBT every 5 seconds in that mode. I did get my BFP (light) about 2 weeks later than I should have (was about 5w5d pregnant when I finally tested positive). Oct 3, 2023 · If you’re trying to conceive, it can be tempting to research other women’s stories or ask friends: ‘How late did you get your BFP?’ Try to keep in mind every woman’s body is different. I had a previous loss after a fresh transfer, where I got my first BFP late in the afternoon of 6dp3dt (so equivalent 4dp5dt) I’m wondering if I should expect to know if it works by the equivalent day or if you’ve found you get variation in implantation I thought it was Bc it was a single, but growth stopped right around 6w5d. most at home pregnancy tests measure anything above a 25 as a positive, only a blood test can figure out exactly what your HCG is. Guess I learned that lesson the hard way. . But then late period + suddenly having to pee all the time prompted me to test again (I remember thinking, "these folks say to use your first morning urine, but I can't even hold it that long!"). Usually a day or two before AF my breast get a little heavy and tender but goes away after a day or so. Also, thank you for talking about what you did during your cycle. 3 weeks 3 days. I tested yesterday. I’ve read and have been told by an ob/gyn that it takes someone to show up positive after 14 days late more often than we’d think. It's very helpful! My OB told me very specifically not to have sex everyday or it would reduce DH's sperm quality, but to hell with that advice if we don't get pregnant this month. We also encourage you to add a user flair, as it helps members remember who you are and your history. I have no signs of AF coming at all which is highly unusual for me. How ever it ended up being a chemical pregnancy. But you do what you wish. Feb 10, 2022 · I’m confused as all hell. If you're here with a new pregnancy, you are welcome to post an intro. When did you start getting faint lines on cheap internet tests? I went down a google rabbit hole and it seems women get their bfp as early as 3 days post transfer (I’m 4 days post 10 dpo for my 2nd and about 9 dpo for my 3rd . Haha. Only time I'd ever had cramps like that weren't right before my period or CD 1 or 2. No matter how you got here, we understand where you've been and where you're going. They have stats for positive tests for each day after ovulation. in addition, different ladies have different levels of hcg present naturally, so those with higher natural levels don't have as far to rise before a test will detect it. That's early for symptoms but I hope this is your bfp! I had HORRIBLE cramping when I was about 7dpo. I tested at 35 days and it was negative but a doctor's test was positive later in the day (no clue why). I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I had my iui on october 21st, 10 days after ovulation and 11 days past trigger, I got a positive test on FRER, I was so excited, me and husband were both just in awe You’re already on edge and you’ll at least be able to say “I’m not pregnant yet” vs beating yourself up for wanting to and thinking it might be too early. You don't realize you get all those minor symptoms leading up to your period until you are watching for them so closely! Zero irregular symptoms leading up to both positives. You need to have enough time for the egg to stick around and you start producing pregnancy hormones. Either that or there was a longer than normal gap between the lh spike and ovulation and/or between ovulation and implantation. Tested on 12 dpo (though now I do think FAM and Premom were right about O on cd 11) with a wondfo and a regular FR and got a BFN.  It was only there 3 times when I wiped, and a With my son I got a faint positive on 10DPO (so 3+3) with Wondfo, First Signal and Clinical Guard cheapies. It's not so much the cycle day that you ovulate but the length of your luteal phase (time between ovulation and start of next period, usually 12-14 days) that determines if you can get pregnant. I’ve read about some people not getting a positive until days after their period was expected. I only got pregnant after I had given up on "trying" and during my first official appointment I had found out that I had ovulated later than I thought I did which Apr 29, 2019 · I had a negative this morning (9DPO, CD 26 of a normal 28). Posts that do not adhere to our guidelines for standalone posts will be removed. Every single time I "symptom spotted" it turned out to be PMS symptoms. Also don't stress it can throw your cycle off. May 30, 2022 · It takes at least 6 days after implantation, sometimes up to 12, for hcg to be detectable in a pregnancy test. Unless you are tracking your cycle, it's hard to pinpoint when you ovulated - many people ovulate within a four day period, so your af may be early or late depending on that. If you have a negative now, wait a few more days, or wait till you have missed your period and try again. Everyone is always gushing how they got their bfp on 8dpo, which, scientifically, blows my mind, but I feel like I never see posts saying they finally got their first preg test positive after 10 or 11dpo. He was 19w1d. With my 1st pregnancy (dd) there was a day where my cat had thrown up and I couldn't even clean it up because the smell made me dry heave so badly. With one of my pregnancies we talked about the baby for a few months and said we're ready for another one but I said we're going to wait to start trying until next month because I didn't want the baby born in the winter so I figured start next month 3 months or so maybe we will get If a specific user has been especially helpful to you during your time TTC, or that you've become friends with, that's fantastic! However, we do ask that you refrain from tagging other users in your BFP post. If you don't know when you o'd there is really no telling how far along you could be. Although looking back, there were signs that I was. If you are truly late you will get a positive. My husband and I have been trying for a baby for the past few months. Hope you get your BFP soon too! BabyBumps users and moderators are not medical professionals. Just curious here did you have to reenroll when you took your month break The only thing I’m regretting is not transferring enough credits in I’m BSIT and I’m wondering if there’s anyway to still do that since I already started last October like for instance if I took a break can I go work on Sophia and and bring them back in or if I Bfp 10 days after IUI. if you happen to be a lady with a low natural level of hcg and a later implantation Jul 12, 2021 · Hi ladies! I had my day 5 single embryo FET on Thursday 8/7, and of course I’ve given in to testing at home. Thank you! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. I was 4 weeks exactly.  At about 2 PM, I noticed a very, very light pinkish tint on the tp when I went to the bathroom. Kind of thinks it stinks, but I will take a late tell any time! Come on BFP!!! Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now When did you get your first BFP? Really in my feels about starting IVF so late, 39. For me, it was my bfp. I kept thinking it was my period or just overanalyzing normal aches and pains. So long as you get one day in there you're good! Hi ladies! Long time lurker and recently joined the group again. For example, if you're pregnant, at 9DPO, you only have a 50% chance of seeing a positive test. Get a blood test if you're concerned. Hi All, I am just wondering if anyone on here had a really late bfp? Did anyone test negative for ages then eventually get your bfp? I am CD34 and I have irregular cycles. I am wondering if you are out there, can you tell me what AF was like and when you got the BFP afterwards? I think AF came 4 days early for Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. We did have sex on two occasions a few days before and close to predicted ovulation date. My doctors office said to wait 14-15 days from IUI to get an accurate reading. I would just do it to make sure you are ovulating and to get an idea around the time you are. Otherwise your period will start and your Apr 22, 2013 · Hi, I was due my AF on 3rd March, tested that day and got BFN, so waited a week and tested again - got BFN. You are looking for a pattern and each month is different for many different reasons. I got my period on time-ish, just 3 days late. I took a HPT and it was negative. I hope it is for you as well! Unfortunately, there is no way to known quite yet but I am excited to hear which it is! RemindMe! 10 days Thank you - you have to set your ‘sleep’ mode automatically, I set 10. Examples of questions that belong in the Daily Threads are questions about changes in your cycle after your loss, and questions about figuring out whether you have ovulated or when you might ovulate. a FRER) vs a 50-100mIU test (a regular, non-early-result test) will all give you very different timelines from implantation to a positive result. So far I’ve had BFNs up until 10 days late and have not tested since then. As you're TTC, I recommend having a look at the Countdown to Pregnancy site. Oh boy do I get implantation bleeding. Today I’m at least a day late and I decided to test for peace of mind. I got my BFP 12DPO the day AF was due. dob oitd hbco ffmvy lvxy ljczf laia rlyoz givg xypzwb
